Leading in nature-based carbon sinks in Swedish forests

Carbon Capture Company is a certification body aimed at contributing to Sweden and Europe reaching their climate goals. We help secure and enhance the carbon sink in Swedish forests by quality-assuring and issuing carbon credits from climate projects run by Swedish forest owners.

High-quality data

We use existing open high-quality forest data from the National Forest Inventory, together with forest owners’ digital forest management plans, to enable accurate and cost-effective calculations.

Active forest management

Do you, as a forest owner, want to explore new sources of income beyond sawlogs and pulpwood? Do you want to continue managing your forest actively while increasing the timber stock for strategic reasons? If so, we can certify the increase in timber stock for climate benefits and convert it into carbon credits


In addition to carbon storage, active forestry provides renewable forest raw materials for the emerging bioeconomy, supports rich animal and plant life, offers recreational value, and creates jobs across the country.

Carbon Forestry Standard – Sweden

For forest carbon sinks to be converted into carbon credits, certification is needed to guarantee that the carbon dioxide is genuinely captured and how long it is kept out of the atmosphere. Carbon Capture Company has developed a standard that ensures high-quality and high-integrity carbon credits.

Do you want more information?

Do you have questions regarding the Carbon Forest Standard – Sweden?

Contact us and we will tell you more about the standard and the certification process.